1. If you need to create a dynamic form in Omniscript that displays different fields based on the user’s profile. How would you achieve this in Omniscript?
Ans: To create a dynamic form in Omniscript, we can use conditional rendering based on the user’s profile. Define conditions for each field, and use the “isProfile” attribute to check the user’s profile and display or hide fields accordingly.
2. A requirement is to implement client-side validation for a date field in an Omniscript form. How can you accomplish this in Omniscript?
Ans: To implement client-side validation for a date field in Omniscript, use the “validate” attribute within the date field definition. Write a JavaScript function to validate the date format and return an error message if validation fails.
3. If You need to create a wizard-style Omniscript with multiple steps, where each step captures different information. How would you structure the Omniscript to achieve this?
Ans: To create a wizard-style Omniscript, using the “steps” attribute in the root element. Define each step as a separate section and use the “nextStep” attribute to navigate between steps. Ensure proper data persistence between steps.
4. If you want to customize the look and feel of the Omniscript forms to match your organization’s branding. How can this be accomplished?
Ans: Customize the appearance of Omniscript forms by applying custom CSS styles. Use the “style” attribute within Omniscript elements to define custom styles or link external style sheets using static resources.
5. If You are tasked with creating a reusable component in Omniscript that can be shared across multiple scripts. How would you design and implement this reusable component?
Ans: Design a separate Omniscript for the reusable component, define inputs and outputs using parameters, and use the “component” attribute in other Omniscripts to include and interact with the reusable component.
6. If You want to trigger a server-side action in Omniscript upon clicking a custom button. How can you configure the button to invoke a server-side action?
Ans: Configure the custom button using the “button” element in Omniscript. Set the “action” attribute to specify the server-side action to be triggered upon button click.
7. Omniscript requires integrating with an external API to fetch and display data. How would you implement this integration within Omniscript?
Ans: Using the “dataService” element in Omniscript to define an integration service. Use the “load” attribute to call the external API and populate the form fields with the retrieved data.
8. A business requirement is to implement conditional navigation in an Omniscript based on the values entered in a specific field. How can you achieve this dynamic navigation?
Ans: Implement conditional navigation by using the “navigate” attribute within Omniscript elements. Define conditions based on field values to determine the next step or section dynamically.
9. If You need to create a dynamic picklist in Omniscript, where the available options depend on a value selected in another field. How would you implement this dependency in Omniscript?
Ans: dynamic picklist by using the “choiceSet” attribute in Omniscript. Define choices and conditions based on the values of other fields using expressions to control picklist options dynamically.
10. Omniscript needs to handle errors gracefully and display custom error messages to users. How can you implement error handling in Omniscript?
Ans: Implement error handling by using the “error” attribute within Omniscript elements. Define conditions and error messages to be displayed when certain validation or processing errors occur during form submission.