Git commands
git init - initialize git in your local machine
git status - show the status of the branch
git add [name_of_the-file] - adding specific files to be committed
git add. - adding all files in the folder to be committed
git checkout -b [branch-name] - create a new branch
git commit -m 'comment' - commit and leave a comment
git push origin [branch_name] - push changes to the specified branch
git pull origin [branch_name] - pull everything from the specified branch
git remote add origin [url_of_the_branch] - adding an existing repository that was created on GitHub
git remote -v - lists git remotes at the current directory
git clone [url] - fetching code from GitHub to your local machine
git log - history
Connect Repo
$ git remote add origin [remote rpo URL]
#Sets the new remote
$ git remote -v
#verifies the new remote URL
git push -u origin main
Workflow in Github
Fork the project to your own GitHub
Clone the url of the project to your own machine
Do your changes
Push the content to GitHub
Then do the pull request for the permission to add your changes to original repo
Add description for your changes.
I couldn’t resist commenting
You have brought up a very fantastic points, regards for the post.