1. What’s a DataRaptor?
Ans: A DataRaptor is a mapping tool that lets you read, transform, and write Salesforce data. It comes in four flavors:
DataRaptor Extract: Grabs data from one or more Salesforce Objects.
DataRaptor Load: Saves data to one or more Salesforce Objects.
DataRaptor Transform: Manipulates any data from inside or outside Salesforce.
DataRaptor Turbo Extract: Retrieves data from a single Salesforce Object.
2. What’s the benefit of using DataRaptor Turbo Extract over standard DataRaptor Extract?
Ans: DataRaptor Turbo Extract fetches and filters data from a single Salesforce object type, even with related object fields. It’s great for simplified configuration and boasts better runtime performance compared to a standard DataRaptor Extract.
3. What are the best practices for DataRaptor?
Ans: Build focused DataRaptors for specific operations, leverage relationship notation for data retrieval, limit the number of involved Objects to three or fewer, prioritize filtering and sorting on indexed fields (Id and Name are always indexed), and employ caching for frequently accessed, infrequently updated data.
4. What exactly does “DataRaptor” mean?
Ans: OmniStudio DataRaptors supply data to and manage updates between OmniScripts, Integration Procedures, Cards, and Salesforce. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of OmniStudio DataRaptors and their different types.
5. What’s the scoop on DataRaptor Extract Action?
Ans: DataRaptor Extract is the data-pulling champ in the DataRaptor family. It reads Salesforce data, spits out results in JSON, XML, or custom formats, thanks to nifty field mappings. To snag data from multiple Salesforce objects, you use the DataRaptor Extract Action. And, right after dragging it into the OmniScript structure panel, you can create a DataRaptor Extract Action with a sprinkle of formulas and compound field mappings.
6. How does DataRaptor Extract operate?
Ans: DataRaptor Extract, the sequel to DataRaptor, fetches data from Salesforce, reads it, and spits out results in JSON, XML, or custom formats with complex field mappings. To retrieve data from multiple Salesforce objects, use the DataRaptor Extract Action, allowing for some formulas and compound field mappings. Just drag it into the OmniScript structure panel, and you can create the DataRaptor Extract Action on the spot.
7. Which three of the following are DataRaptor mapping types?
Ans: DataRaptor is like a mapping tool for reading, transforming, and writing Salesforce data, and it comes in four flavors: Turbo Extract, Extract, Transform, and Load.